The EU CRIMARIO II initiative, launched on June 2020, builds on the experience of CRIMARIO I by expanding the geographical scope of the project towards South and Southeast Asia with a view to contributing to safer sea lines of communication with the European Union, through cross-sectoral, inter-agency and cross-regional cooperation.
The visual identity of CRIMARIO II reflects these key elements, starting with the logo which exemplifies the continuity with the previous project, the enlarged geographical scope and the emphasis on securing maritime routes, and promoting maritime security.
The activities carried out by the team of CRIMARIO II in conjunction with the European services, will be reported on regular basis through various digital channels: this website, the social networks (Twitter, LinkedIn), and the newsletter.
EU CRIMARIO II is currently in the Inception Phase, expected to last until 31 January 2021, but this may be extended given the COVID 19 pandemic. During this period, the team is conducting desk-top research and remote work with other EU bodies and potential partners (countries and regional organisations). At the end of this phase, a 4-year action plan will be proposed to the European Commission for approval, with a focus on sustainability.
Download the factsheet presenting the objectives of the project, the timeline and IORIS, the maritime coordination and information sharing platform, developed during the prior CRIMARIO project.