Last week, CRIMARIO, in cooperation with WILD AID, organised a Regional Exercise (REGEX) with 14 agencies from 5 countries in Latin America to interoperate and better manage biodiversity and marine and coastal resources.
Through the one-week exercise, IORIS facilitated monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS) operations of a fishing fleet composed of 16 Panama and Ecuador-flagged vessels. The scope of the operation was to verify the status of the fishing vessels, examine the veracity of licences and authorisations to fish, and oversee transhipment-at-sea with supporting reefers and tankers.
Navies, authorities and agencies involved:
COLOMBIA: Navy, National Maritime Direction (Maritime Authority – DIMAR), Ministry of Environment and Malpelo Flora and Fauna Sanctuary.
COSTA RICA: National Park Cocos Island.
ECUADOR: Navy, Coast Guard (Maritime Authority), Undersecretary of Fishing, Galapagos National Park.
PANAMA: Aeronaval Service (SENAN), Coiba National Park and MAR VIVA FOUNDATION
PERU: Coast Guard (Maritime Authority).
The exercise enabled the creation of an IORIS-based Community Area that continues to live on after REGEX, facilitating communication, coordination and collaboration among all the countries which are part of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor (CMAR), an intergovernmental initiative to promote conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in the Eastern Tropical Pacific through regional governmental strategies, and supported by civil society, international cooperation and non-governmental agencies.
Supported by civil society, international cooperation, and non-governmental organisations, the corridor has, as core areas, the marine protected areas of the Malpelo Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, the Gorgona National Natural Park (Colombia), the Coiba National Park (Panama), the Galapagos National Park and Marine Reserve (Ecuador), and the National Park Cocos Island (Costa Rica), which form a Network of Marine Protected Areas.
You can read more about how CRIMARIO helps in addressing Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing click here: