
Philippine agencies exercise together to consolidate coordination in ensuring safer and more secure seas
On the 25 and 26 of April, the Philippine National Maritime Centre (NM Center), with the support of CRIMARIO coordinated the second iteration of the large-scale interagency Tabletop and Field Training Exercise ALALAYAN 2024. Organized and took place in Palawan, the...
Maritime Security: EU to become an observer of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment
The EU will soon become a ‘Friend’ (i.e., observer) of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment, a regional cooperation framework to tackle piracy, armed robbery, human trafficking and other illegal maritime activities in the North-Western Indian Ocean, including...
BALINN24: working together to enhance regional coordination and information sharing for safer and more secure seas
Between the 22 and the 25 of April, 22 agencies from 9 countries (Comoros, Djibouti, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius Mozambique, Reunion, Seychelles, Tanzania), including two Regional Centres (Regional Centres: RCOC Regional Coordination Operation Centre, RMIFC (Regional...
Security and freedom of navigation in the Red Sea: EU Council launches EUNAVFOR ASPIDES
The EU Council launched today EUNAVFOR ASPIDES. The objective of this defensive maritime security operation is to restore and safeguard freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and the Gulf. Operation ASPIDES will ensure an EU naval presence in the area where numerous...
Navies, authorities and agencies and from Bangladesh, the Maldives and Sri Lanka attend Regional IORIS Standard Operation Procedure workshop
Between the 5 and the 9 of February, 2024 CRIMARIO II instructors, including CRIMARIO’s Regional Representative Admiral (Ret’d) Piyal De Silva, former Commander of the Navy, organised a regional SOP workshop in Sri Lanka, which was attended by officers from the Sri...
Re-enforcing regional governance through IORIS for safety and security at sea in the Indo-Pacific region.
Over 80 officials from 21 African countries, across Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America, together with European partners, participated in the first IORIS Steering Committee Policy Board and Working Group Meetings in the past few days (16-18 October) in Nairobi....
Common Standard for the enhancement of Maritime Security and Safety in the Indo-Pacific region
CRIMARIO II organised a workshop (9-13 Oct 2023) to test the effectiveness of the IORIS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), developed to enhance maritime security and safety in the Indo-Pacific region. During the course IORIS, the neutral and secure maritime...
Improving maritime law enforcement through forensic diving training
A truly international team met between the 3rd and the 13th of January in Maldives for a Forensics diving course which was organised by CRIMARIO II, in collaboration with the French National Gendarmerie (CNING Centre National d’Instruction Nautique de la...
Tuesdays Second Chance: Oil Spill Cases
Replay of the webinar held on 28 September in association with the National Maritime Foundation (NMF) EU CRIMARIO and National Maritime Foundation speakers have presented oil spill case studies for drawing lessons learnt and discussing with participants from the...
CRIMARIO Launches in South Asia with National Maritime Foundation
CRIMARIO is launching itself remotely by region and was fortunate enough to be welcomed to South Asia through a webinar co-organised with the National Maritime Foundation (NMF) through the lead and moderation of Vice Admiral (Retd) Pradeep Chauhan. The webinar, which...
Follow the new European initiative on maritime security in the wider Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia
The EU CRIMARIO II initiative, launched on June 2020, builds on the experience of CRIMARIO I by expanding the geographical scope of the project towards South and Southeast Asia with a view to contributing to safer sea lines of communication with the European Union,...
IFC Singapore and EU CRIMARIO discuss maritime information sharing in Indian Ocean and Asia
The Information Fusion Centre (IFC) based in Changi, Singapore and EU CRIMARIO II project organised a first, productive, video-conference on the 30th June 2020, with a view to presenting briefs on their respective mission and objectives, and information-sharing tools...
Maritime security: The EU CRIMARIO II initiative is starting
It is my pleasure to announce the launch of the European Union (EU) Critical Maritime Routes in the Indian Ocean II (CRIMARIO II)’ initiative, a project developed to support partner countries and organisations to secure sea lines of communication that are vital...