Indian ocean

5th steering committee of MASE on maritime security

5th steering committee of MASE on maritime security

Le programme MASE est le programme régional de promotion de la sécurité maritime dans la région de l’Afrique orientale et australe et de l’océan Indien (AfOA-OI). Ce programme, financé par l’Union européenne, est mis en œuvre par l’Autorité intergouvernementale pour...
What skills acquired in maritime data visualisation ?

What skills acquired in maritime data visualisation ?

Twelve trainees,  7 Malagasy and 5 Comorians, have finished a 7 week on-site training which was broken down into three training periods during a 6 month period (October 2016 to March 2017). In between the two first sessions, the students followed an additional 1 month...
Future trainers to monitor the maritime domain

Future trainers to monitor the maritime domain

Effective maritime surveillance is one of the keys to safety and security at sea, as recalled in the recent and tragic piracy attack off the coast of Somalia. Competent teams are required for analysing the data and information continuously transmitted from many...
Visualising maritime data in Madagascar

Visualising maritime data in Madagascar

Every day thousands of maritime data are collected and stored from various sources, but they need to be selected, shared and formatted for being understandable and become a genuine maritime surveillance tool. With the EU CRIMARIO project, with the collaboration of the...
CGPCS working group meets in Dar es Salam

CGPCS working group meets in Dar es Salam

A meeting of the CGPCS Working Group 1, dedicated to regional capacity building, was held in Dar es Salam on 9 November 2016. This group focuses upon the Indian Ocean region and is charged to identify capacity building needs and offer at the regional level. The...
Audit of the maritime information system

Audit of the maritime information system

Olivier Bézier, responsible of Training component, carried out an audit of the information system of Comoros maritime agencies. Following the request of ANAM (National Agency of Maritime Affairs), he modernised the databases for registering and managing flag vessels...
Visualising data to anticipate any event at sea in Comoros

Visualising data to anticipate any event at sea in Comoros

Between 7 to 18 November 2016, ten professionals of Comoros have intensively handled data from AIS sources, processing them with spreadsheet, database, and mapping software (GIS). With these very good IT skills, they are able to select the relevant data, map the...