Two regional maritime centres conduct simulation exercise

Two regional maritime centres conduct simulation exercise

Olivier Bézier, CRIMARIO Training and Capacity Building component manager, organized and conducted a Command Post Exercise (CPX) focused in drug trafficking to the primary benefit of RMIFC in Antananarivo and RCOC in Mahé. A third player joined the exercise, Mauritius...
IORIS at the Comoros Maritime Information Center

IORIS at the Comoros Maritime Information Center

From April 29 to May 2, 2019, Olivier Bézier organized and conducted training session for some twenty officers of the new National Maritime Information Fusion Centre of the Union of the Comoros. The session included a practical module on the law of the sea, and basic...
Validation of the IORIS transfer of ownership to IOC

Validation of the IORIS transfer of ownership to IOC

The IORIS platform has been designed to become the primary tool for information sharing and event management at sea among the coastal countries of the Indian Ocean Region. From the beginning, the European CRIMARIO project has focused on ownership and management of the...
IORIS successfully used during Cutlass Express exercise

IORIS successfully used during Cutlass Express exercise

Cutlass Express (CE19) was the first and timely opportunity for IORIS to be used on a regional scale (Indian Ocean wide) during a maritime exercise. Cutlass Express is an annual maritime exercise sponsored and conducted by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). The nine-day...
Cutlass Express 2019 Comes to a Close

Cutlass Express 2019 Comes to a Close

PEMBA, Mosambique — Maritime forces from East Africa, West Indian Ocean nations, Europe, and the United States concluded the eighth iteration of the annual multinational maritime exercise Cutlass Express 2019, Feb. 7. The conclusion of Cutlass Express brought several...
Crisis management exercise with IORIS

Crisis management exercise with IORIS

Short crisis management exercie organised after the IORIS train the trainer course, with RMIFC and Comorian maritime specialists, on 17-18 December 2018. CRIMARIO carried out a train-the-trainers course on IORIS web-based platform, in Antananarivo (December 17-18) for...
The IORIS training curriculum is running

The IORIS training curriculum is running

IORIS, the web-based platform for information sharing and incident management at sea, is operational from 1st July 2018. A specific curriculum has been designed by EU CRIMARIO in order to both have a pool of trainers and skilled teams in the partner organisations and...
CRIMARIO-MASE: a win-win partnership

CRIMARIO-MASE: a win-win partnership

Objectives of CRIMARIO The EU project CRIMARIO, funded (5,5M€) by the Direction General of International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) of the European Commission within the Critical Maritimes Routes programme initiated in January 2015, is dedicated to the...
Success of IORIS inauguration in Seychelles

Success of IORIS inauguration in Seychelles

On 3-4 September 2018 in Mahé (Seychelles), more than 60 senior officials from 20 Indian Ocean countries and international organisations discussed the added value of the IORIS web-based platform, its operationalisation and its future regional governance. Initiated by...